We stayed up a little later than usual last night (well, later than I usually stay up) to try and catch a glimpse of the Perseid meteor shower. The meteor activity was supposed to be at its peak from 11am until dawn. We gave up pretty quick after we only saw about a dozen meteors between the four of us. I think that our problem was that, since we have so many trees around us here, we only had a relatively small opening overhead to be able to see meteors. We saw a lot of satellites and planes though.
Today Ken was working on the depth finder for his boat (important since we are going fishing tomorrow) and the ladies were working on their painted creations, so I decided to go hiking in Cascadia State Park (only a quick half mile walk up the road). I was tempted by the waterfall hike since the sign said it was only 0.8 mile up to the waterfall. What they didn't say was that the elevation changed by about 500 feet which made it a little more of a climb that I had anticipated. I had to stop a couple of places after the really steep parts to catch my breath but I survived it. The falls drop between 50 and 75 feet which made the hike worth while. I am including a picture of the falls and a picture of the Santiam River where the water from the falls eventually empties into.
Ain't life grand!
1 comment:
Great shot of the river, Gary. And good luck fishing tomorrow! We'll be waiting for you with the grill ready to throw on the Kokanee for dinner! Life is good!
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