Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hawaii Day 5

Today was a road trip day. We drove south and then east around the island to Waimea canyon. Our vantage point near the end of the road was at about 3500' above sea level which provided a pretty spectacular view of the canyon. The actual view was much better than any of the pictures that I took. We tried to go up to the actual end of the road at about 4000' but the extra altitude put us above the cloud layer so visibility was next to zero.

After spending time up in the clouds we headed back down to sea level. A bit of shopping and then we headed for our resort and enjoyed the pool and hot tub.

Ain't life grand?!


TravelingGrammy said...

Wow! When you blog, you blog! Can't wait to see Hawaii for myself....For now I'll settle for Mendo..glad you're having such a great time!

TravelingGrammy said...

So what happened after day 5? did you fall off the earth?

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Methinks they're holed up at POS . . . haven't seen hide nor hair! Although, that could be that we've all been so busy!