Well, a lot has happened since the last time we blogged. We gave up our lot at Park Sierra, took a job for the summer up in Oregon, have our niece Justine visiting for a month or so, and have hosted a relatively steady stream of visitors at our 'compound' here.
We gave up our Park Sierra lot for a lot of reasons, foremost of which was that we could not see ourselves spending much time at all there over the next five years. Gary's arthritis is really getting worse and our plans are to spend the winters down in southern Arizona. We loved Park Sierra but really could not afford to maintain a place that we would not spend any time at. Who knows what will happen on down the road.
Gary is back working for Portland General Electric up in Estacada Oregon. But this time it is at a day use park...no drunk campers to deal with. We have our own fenced in compound where we can actually host visitors from time to time. Cecile does not have to work here so she has been busy with various craft projects as well as playing Bridge online.
Our niece, Justine, came to visit with us in late June and will be here until early August. The rest of her family is coming up for a visit and Justine will ride back home with them. She and Cecile have been busy working on craft projects as well as our Pegs & Jokers sets.
Our latest visitors are our good friends Mary & Elaine who also brought along their granddaughter Michaela. We have had great wine, wonderful dinners, campfires and of course the great company. They will be here with us for a couple more days then they will start working their way up to Seattle to visit another of their granddaughters.
Ain't Life Grand!?
1 comment:
For some reason your blog disappeared on my blog list and I finally found you again. Just wanted to tell you I miss you guys. Next time you're down this way please let us know so we can make time to get together. Life changes, as we all know, but friendships last forever!
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